Actsafe asked the University of British Columbia to help investigate several questions related to the noise-related health and safety of musicians and other workers potentially exposed to loud music that fall under their mandate. These questions were:
1. How much noise are musicians exposed to?
a. How do we define noise?
b. What kinds of regulations are there for the noise at music venues?
c. How loud are music venues?
2. Hearing loss in musicians: Is there a problem?
a. How well do classical musicians hear?
b. What about rock musicians?
c. What about other people who work around music, like bar and club staff?
d. What factors can increase the risk of noise-induced hearing loss in musicians?
3. What do we recommend that musicians and other entertainment professionals do to protect their hearing?
a. Changes to the environment or behaviours
b. Hearing protection devices
Following a thorough investigation by the researchers, the results showed that both classical and rock musicians are at increased risk of developing noise-induced hearing loss and an associated disease, tinnitus, as a result of their exposure to music. Please see the report for further details and insights:
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