What is a Safety Bulletin?
Safety Bulletins are a vetted source of the entertainment industry standards and recommendations. These pertain to the health and safety of workers and employers.
Topics of Safety Bulletins tend to focus on hazards and risks unique to the motion picture, performing arts, and live events productions which are not addressed with specificity by B.C.’s OHS Regulations. These bulletins are a practical resource for industry-specific risk mitigation strategies that provide control measures and best practices to help inform prevention planning and response procedures.
Safety Bulletins should be made readily accessible at each location where an employer’s workers are regularly employed. Much like regulated safety documents such as joint health and safety committee meeting minutes, an organization’s safety board(s) would be an appropriate choice. Alternatives include the worksite’s first aid and/or craft services stations. If many workers operate remotely, then safety bulletins could be made readily available electronically through the employer’s intranet or other internally private platform.
If specific hazards and risks are to be expected on certain upcoming days of work, copies of related safety bulletins should be attached to call sheets distributed to workers or sent out electronically to workers directly before their shift.