Always ensure that you hands are clean before handling earplugs.
Roll down the earplug between your thumb and fingers, applying even and steady pressure. Do not attempt to roll down the plug by rolling it back and forth between the palms of your hands. This can cause creases that may allow sound to leak past the earplug.
Continue to apply pressure and roll the plug down as thin as you possibly can. The plug should be rolled down to about 5mm (or thinner).
To insert the plug, use the hand opposite the ear you’re putting the plug in an, reaching over your head, pull the top of your ear slightly out and away. This helps open the ear canal and makes inserting the plug easier.
Push the plug in so that it goes well into the ear canal. Hold the plug in place while the foam expands– about 20 to 30 seconds.
A properly inserted plug should sit just behind the tragus and be almost invisible when facing someone.
Always remove ear plugs by slowly, twisting them to break the seal. If you remove them too quickly, you could damage your ear drum.
Actsafe offers free, on-site hearing testing for those in the motion picture and performing arts industry. For more information, or to set up a hearing test, please contact Reliable Mobile Hearing Testing at: 604.596.8414
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